Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Test Plot 2 - Tomatoes

Test Plot 2 - pumpkins starting to grow

Test Plot 2 - Trimming the trees

Test plot 2 - construction of the rainwater harvest drain

Test plot 2 - Boys constructing the nursery chamber

Test plot 2 - Atubu constructing the nursery chamber

Test plot 2 - Boys working on the nursery chamber

Test plot 2 - Test plantation of potato in straw and sawdust

Test plot 2 - Well construction

Test plot 2 - New bed preparation for sweet potato

Test plot 2 - Improvised drip irrigation

Test plot 2 - Constructing the steps

Test plot 2 - Steps leading to the plot

Test plot 2 - Rainwater harvesting drain

Test Plot 2 - Melhite's Rice

Test plot 2 - Capsicum Plant in a gigantus bamboo

Test plot 2 - Flower

Test plot 1 - Gourd plants

Test plot 1 - Akholie with the first batch of harvested cucumbers

Test plot 1 - Cucumbers ready to be harvested

Test plot 1 - Update june 2010

Test plot 1 - Cucumber harvest

Test plot 2 - Pumpkins & Gourds

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fish pond construction in progress

Creating storm water drain

Rainwater harvesting cum fish pond

Lolit & Achan transferring the fingerlings to the new pond

Akholie ready to immerse the underwater plant at test plot 5

Boys taking a break

Improvised bamboo support

Planting Melhite's rice

Improving the pond

Fingerlings ready to be introduced into the pond

Experimental rainwater harvesting cum fish pond

Creating a pond


Traditional method of preparing dried bamboo shoot

James working on underwater plant

Chilly Plantation at Test Plot 2

Moso Bamboo at Test Plot 2

Our first yield at Test plot 2

Polonia tree at Test plot 2