Saturday, August 14, 2010

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010 - Dilemma

Pests!...wait..heh heh heh


Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010

Flowers in maintenance

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010 - Dilemma

Excess Rain caused this tomato plant to die....we need a covering here
to protect the leaves from water. tomatoes need watering at root
level, the Gigantus Bamboo irrigation system should suffice.

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010 - Harvest

We Harvested the cucumbers again. Now we finally can see pumpkins.
waiting eagerly...gourds are getting ready again for the harvest

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010

Remember the Capsicum Plant in Bamboo 'pot'..still surviving.

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010 - Dilemma

Corn attacked by rats! FIR filed

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010

Melhite's Rice Plant Update

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010

Basil Plant

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010

Chillies, anyone? it was a pleasant surprise indeed

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010

Random Shots - Khrienyü

Pfuchama Plot update 13th August 2010

The Caterpillar that is a menace to our farm. will try the natural pesticide this week.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Test Plot 2 - Tomatoes

Test Plot 2 - pumpkins starting to grow

Test Plot 2 - Trimming the trees

Test plot 2 - construction of the rainwater harvest drain

Test plot 2 - Boys constructing the nursery chamber

Test plot 2 - Atubu constructing the nursery chamber

Test plot 2 - Boys working on the nursery chamber

Test plot 2 - Test plantation of potato in straw and sawdust

Test plot 2 - Well construction

Test plot 2 - New bed preparation for sweet potato

Test plot 2 - Improvised drip irrigation

Test plot 2 - Constructing the steps

Test plot 2 - Steps leading to the plot

Test plot 2 - Rainwater harvesting drain

Test Plot 2 - Melhite's Rice

Test plot 2 - Capsicum Plant in a gigantus bamboo

Test plot 2 - Flower

Test plot 1 - Gourd plants

Test plot 1 - Akholie with the first batch of harvested cucumbers

Test plot 1 - Cucumbers ready to be harvested

Test plot 1 - Update june 2010

Test plot 1 - Cucumber harvest

Test plot 2 - Pumpkins & Gourds

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Fish pond construction in progress